Advanced Medical and Physical Therapy Programs Combining
The Best of Traditional and Nontraditional Medicine

Patient Comments & Testimonials


“"I just wanted to THANK YOU for all your consel and advise and help for getting me well again. I am feeling SO much are a great doctor and person..."“
Pam O'Shea

“Dear Dr. Massey and staff:
You've been instrumental in getting our Beth back on to the playing field. We are so thankful to you and our God for restoring her. We praise God as we see her body moving and jumping as it did before the injury...“
Foster and Edie Rooks

“I was one of the many people suffering with back pain plus a herniated disc. The pain was so bad that I could not walk very far or sit for too long. Through "word of mouth" I heard of Dr. Patrick Massey. So I had my daughter make an appointment with the doctor....he recommended some exercises that were tailored for my body (and condition). I highly recommend Dr. Patrick Massey for back pain. Go and see him. What can you lose , only your back pain.“
Kathryn Ryan

“Dear Dr. Massey:

I'm so pleased with the progress I made in the following year after the program.

As you know, when I first came to you last year, I was in severe pain from spinal stenosis, alleviated only somewhat by (a) prescription drug...which I was taking on an around the clock schedule. In time, as the (ALT-MED) program went on, I was able to gradually cut back on the dosage and am happy to report I've not taken any for two months now. When I do have a little pain, I've found 2 Tylenol take care of it. I rarely need more than the 2 and some days none, depending on my level of activity. I found the progression of (ALT-MED) movements to be easily manageable, even enjoyable; in fact, they've become so much part of my live, I plan to continue them on a daily basis just as long as my advancing age allows. Everyday I feel I'm a little better than the day before and I expect to be completely pain free and near future (patient was pain free with 2 weeks after this letter).“
Patricia Trotter

“Dear Dr. Massey,

Please accept my sincere thanks -- not for what he gave me but for what you took away...most of my pain and lack of flexibility. Your dedication and devotion to healing is truly admirable. After exhausting all other and use of treatment, you were my whole of last resort. I'm glad we found each other.“
Joe Jaszka Sr.

“Dear Dr. Massey,

... I wanted to thank you for your encouragement, patience, and caring attitude. I almost gave up on getting better, both with you had such an optimistic view that I would get better and I most certainly did!

I do my exercises six times a week and I never felt better! I really appreciate all you have done for me and feel very blest that I was referred to your clinic! Happy holidays and sincere thanks“
Nora Blazek

“I thought you may want to hear the latest update with regards to my former back problems...I recently won the state racket ball championships and the regionals in addition, I am lifting weights for conditioning, play golf and tennis and pretty much do anything I want to gave me back a major part of my life that was missing.“
Jim Luzar

“If I had not entered in this back pain program, I told for sure that I would have to have had back surgery for my three herniated disc's. I have talk to a few coworkers... They had back surgery and I cannot believe the shape they're in... Some are never going to be the same. Some had less severe problems than me and are now on permanent disability. I feel the 99.5% back to normal before the accident.“
Richard Tesler

“After experiencing sciatic pain on the left side, I had surgery to solve the problem. Shortly thereafter, I began to have sciatic pain down the other side. I assumed that surgery was necessary again. After beginning the (ALT-MED) program and doing the exercises for a couple of months, the pain was gone. I have been pain free for over six months.“
Joann Hensley

“Dear Dr. Massey,
After nine months of back pain that continually became more and more intense and after 3 doctors telling me I needed back surgery, a good friend of mine recommended getting an appointment with you.

My problem was diagnosed as spinal stenosis.

After my first visit and a week of exercising, I came back to you and said this is not working. Your answer was, "it will". And it did. After several weeks I am completely pain free. I cannot tell you how grateful I am.“
Dorothy Klinger

“Thoracic disc pain -- free of pain after 5 weeks“
John Padgen

“2 different chiropractors and the sports medicine physician with physical therapy did not provide relief from constant back pain. After the sessions with Dr. Massey, there was, as he promised, major improvement and I put away the cane I was using. The program works!“
Joseph Flores

“I cannot realize that I really am free uf back and neck pain. The back pain was with me for about a year and the leg pain, a few months. I could not shop or do my own work. I cannot say enough about this program (ALT-MED). It has brought good health and a brighter outlook into my life. I am free of back and leg pain.“
Adelaide Murphy

“ALT-MED was the program I'd been looking for to address my back pain. While chiropractic helped didn't seem oriented to really changing my condition. After the ALT-MED program...I've resumed or taken up walking exercises that would have previously resulted in my leg and foot going numb... Great idea! Thanks!“
Mark Hampton

“Dear Dr. Massey,
Thank you so much for making the feel as though I am 39 again... after almost a year, taking the with severe pain and the threat of a possible second laminectomy, I can now be active as I desire. I haven't felt this good in years thanks to you.

This program you put me on it is the first thing on my agenda when I get up every morning... The golden years seemed golden again -- which of course, is better than the alternative.

Thanks again“
Irene Szopa

“I wish to commend Dr. Massey for the tremendous amount of help he has given me with regards to my case of sciatica.

I was diagnosed in February of this year (1997) with sciatica. I went to a few doctors who prescribed medications which were to no avail. In April I had my first appointment Dr. Massey at which you prescribed several exercises for me. By the first part of May, I have been free from all pain in doing all my own work and house work.

I would certainly recommend Dr. Massey to anyone who has any pack problems.

Dolores Golimowski

“Dr. Massey,

...mine neck is feeling great. I really can't believe how much or program has helped with mine back pain and headaches. No problems since.

Best regards,“
Rob (Herrmann)

“Dear Dr. Massey,

I can't thank you and Dr. Kisling enough for restoring my health. As you know, for 7 months, I suffered from cervical pain and a numb left arm. My medical odyssey transported me to doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists -- all in vain.

After seven months of pain and thousands of dollars in medical bills, I was fortunate enough to learn of your only three months, I have completed your program and have regained the use of my left arm. Additionally, I am medication free, pain free and have more flexibility in mind neck than I have had in the last 10 to 15 years... Thank you again.

Donna Blaha

“"...Daryl, I am continuing my daily exercises and...I am forever grateful for your amazing work."“
Marie Agosta

“"Dr. Massey: Your voice was the first one in this experience of mine to tell me 'We can help you.' Thank you for the HOPE“
Annette Keadle

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ALT-MED Medical and Physical Therapy
1544 Nerge Road • Elk Grove Village, IL 60007
Phone: (847) 923-0046 • Fax: (847) 923-0047

Website & Marketing by L.E.T. Group

Website Design Copyright © 2010-2025, L.E.T. Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

ALT-MED is a contracted provider with Medicare and BCBS of IL. PPO.
Tuesday February 11, 2025